The obstructed view from the ESPN camera for the Women's Tournament vaulted me into a research project (naturally) of the historical cost of box seats for the Tournament. So this is my chance to record the history of my commitment to watching this local tournament.
After volunteering from 1981 - 1991 (Susan was also a volunteer), the two of us decided to buy two loge tickets (NE corner ) for $200 per seat in 1990. Then we began to dream about buying a box seat (Accenture's center court box seat was $433/seat in 1990). There was a waiting list of 250 to get a box and we thought - "great that would probably be 3-5 years".
Suddenly we were called in 1991 saying a box was available. We gulped and decided to take the plunge. The tournament had expanded seating and increased box seat prices - it was now $500 per seat. Then we discovered Jenna was due to be born in mid- August (I think that is why Jenna came early in July). Luckily we had Mom and Dad as babysitters during the 1991 tournament - it was a very happy memory.
We slowly moved down closer to center court over the years (one away from courtside) when Susan and I decided we should joint the Championship Club in 1995 by buying 2 memberships (mainly because the heat was getting the best of us). Susan also began the process of requesting the shaded North Balcony seats with a formal request in 1996. It took 8 years of waiting but in 2004 we were offered our current location (620 B4).
Now for the punch line - today's seat cost is $1,285. That is a 5.1% CAGR or an average of 8.26% increase. Now the Tournament officials would say we now get top flite Men and Women to play. I say baloney - do these sports folks understand we have deflation and a recession?
This could be our last year. After all there is no obstructed view and complete air conditioning at home watching on ESPNHD - the camera that is obstructing our view. :)