Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Mason, Rainbows, and Stars

A.M. invited me to the PNC Economic update which was held at the Cincinnati Masonic Center downtown. It was quite a beautiful building inside with sculpted painted 25 foot ceilings.The auditorium was impressive.

My grandfather Wells was a Mason (Freemasonry) and likely Grandmother was an Eastern Star (I know my Mom was).  In fact, Mom might have grown into the Eastern Star as a Rainbow girl (since Rainbow Girls started in Oklahoma). 

There were all kinds of references to Scottish rites and  33 degrees.  "The Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite is a system of 33 degrees (including the three blue lodge degrees) administered by a local or national Supreme Council."

I don't know what degree Grandpa obtained (the order probably keep these things secret or preached humility), however it states "it is the obligation placed on every Mason to contribute to charity. This occurs at both lodge and Grand Lodge level. Masonic charities contribute to many fields from education to disaster relief.["

So in a way I'm following in my ancestors footsteps when I joined the giving group: Social Venture Partners Cincinnati.  We just don't have a lodge, degrees, or secret handshakes :)

DYI Blogging

I was searching the internet to find how to fix the touch light inside a beautiful hand made Amish corner bookshelf.  It amazes me at the wealth of knowledge and information you can find!  My search lead me to one of the more interesting blogging sites titled "What I Learned Today".

In addition to the very informative information as to the cause and repair of my touch light, there were other intellectual treasures.  Obviously a very talented and smart blogger.  More interestingly is the elapsed time of the blog (August 2007).  There are 29 entries in 2014 for an average of 3 per month. 

Most bloggers are not sustainable bloggers and after 2-3 years they get all "blogged out".  Even I have started to become blog writing weary (and I only started my blog in 2009) with only 77 entries in 2014.

What I learned today is contained in the blog "What I learned today".  Check it out.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Buckles and Boots Party

Saturday night was the fourth Vistage Group 1107 party - hosted by Susan and I.  A chilly September evening caused us to finish the festivities inside.  A.S. had special 10 year awards for five of us and I concluded the evening with the Buckets and Boots contest (Guys wore Buckles, Gals wore boots).

Even though the house renovation project was not complete, Susan and I were able to make the house presentable.  We were able to "move" in the new bedroom just after we returned from Montana (Sept. 2).  Hosting a party is actually great incentive to clean things up around the house (and outside also). 

I remember as a teenager ( a lazy teenager) always snipping back at Mom: "Why do we need to do all this cleaning when it was only FAMILY coming to visit?"  After all, family knows how neat or messy we lived like.  Now I realize the reason - out of respect and as incentive to get things accomplished.

"Neatness is next to Godliness"  ....  also!