Saturday, August 11, 2018

Choosing GOD - Boston Legal #14

Thursday evening (8/9/18) was yet another session of "solving world problems" with Boston Legal #14 hosted at my house.  Fresh off my research on Decision Making and wanting to hear the options of J.P. and K.C., I asked them what their advice would be to their grandchildren about making life decisions. 

It was unanimous that we agreed that values (staying true to one's principles) should be the constant filter for all choices in life.  Having a "war chest" of "mad money" can add additional courage in your convictions and choices that have economic consequences. 

The evening continued with watching "Saving Private Ryan".  How appropriate to decision making with the lens of duty, honor and courage.   Decisions in war, test the very core of human actions in the struggle of who knows God's truth.   I was reminded of the Columbia 1989 PBS series "Under Orders - Under Fire - Part 1" and the very personal conflicting ethics faced with split second decisions in War - all of which were reinforced in various scenes of Saving Private Ryan.

Even the comment of "Which God is True" set the stage for some interesting philosophical discussions on relativism and self authorship. My emerging view draws closer to providential pathways to my maker - the God I faithfully hold as Truth.

It's not my choice - it is in obedience to his choice.