Wisner Family (et al) December 2021
The circle of life surrounded the Wisner’s with plenty of
change – a year of lost and found. Joy
is on the inside of suffering and finding that Joy took plenty of
labor. One Grandpa left us
making some Leeway possible for another. This year we all
discovered how much assisted living is necessary for each of us
to both give and receive at every time in our life. We are so grateful for the present – and the
memories that are permanent.
Garen (“
____ the Halls”)
- Man he looks good (in
the Mirror that is), with his home maid haircuts. Some call him a COVID Rogue
with no verbal escape – can his hearing or speech
be overpowered by even twin turbos? Now a Vistage Veteran (or Hero),
his entire focus has been Outback – chainsaw corridor, ____
design, pool potential, fire features, or grill gravitas. Hands down, he travels in 4.2l
uber select style.
(“____ it’s Cold Outside) – Nana is now her Chosen
name – Frozen in time but infinitely available for ____ tag team
troubleshooting. She makes a point
of outside needles only for special stockings. Restless in many ways, no medical mystery
means much (Medicare in the making).
Susan expands her consulting business into real estate, hair styling,
Euclid landscaping, J.H. Catering, and Dyson distributor.
(“It’s the Most Wonderful ____) – It was a Rocky year for Ellen, but
she Wrangled through her COVID infection. A litter later, she vaxed up to
New York City in frannic fashion.
Wasson Way welcomed her with whiskers when
work waned. Fidelity found
favor in her free form phone finesse (and Flex-____).
Paul, & Teddy (“___ to the World”) – Now in the family business,
Teddy arrived (4-13-2021) for his orientation and requires full time, stay at
home, supervision 😊. This
new payroll pressure pushed Jenna to pick up Accounting versus picture
projects. Now the Aura
is Teddy until the shining metal smile disappears. Paul has the juvenile ___ in jabber, jumpy,
juggling of jamboree….. and job.
& Cleo (“_______ Around the Christmas Tree”) – After 14 years
Rambo and ______, no longer rule the house (inside that is). Yoshi has exclusive prowl since Cleo prefers
Ellen as her roommate. Ollie roams
Euclid when Wally takes vacation visits wearing out Fitch and Bella. Without
pets who could survive COVID isolation?
Travel was limited to sunny spots – Sea Island, Kiawah, and
Naples (with a Dallas stop off). Now a full family of antibodies, social activities
can resume. Holiday gatherings test the
paradox of friendship and love – apart or together. Circumstances of this world interferes with
the relationship glue that love provides. Keep the Spirit of Love in your heart and let
JOY make it overflow to bind us back together in
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year
“Death leaves a heartache no one can heal; love leaves a memory no one can steal.” Richard Puz