Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Boston Legal #5 - Bronx Tale

I forgot to post Boston Legal #4  (hosted at my house in January 14).  The last three meetings have been supplemented with a TV or Movie (#3 was actually a Boston Legal episode - "Finding Nimmo" - Episode 20 Season 2 #3).   J.P. stayed late and we watched "Seven Days in Utopia".  But on to Boston Legal #5

Boston Legal #5 - Hosted by K.C. with full BBQ and refreshments 6/21/15 the day after Father's Day. I was tasked with bringing some alternative viewing choices to Boston Legal #5 (three choices were offered up).

I was biased and since it was so close to Father's Day the group humored me with the selection of "A Bronx Tale".   Chosen strategically after listening to Peter Kreeft's  Ethics lectures, this movie is very entertaining and thought provoking (Warning - it is rated R because of the language and violence). 

"I can't believe after all this time you don't trust me."  says Calogero to Sonny his surrogate Italian Mafia dad.
"Listen, It's not that I don't trust you.  It's .......  Sonny trails off with no explanation.

"No, I'm not gonna listen"  as Calogero continues to tell Sonny that he should have not jumped to judgment.   "You never thought of that [the alternate possibility] .... did you?"

"No"  as Sonny stares stoically forward.

"Don't you trust anybody?  Calogero inquires

"No"  Sonny replies

"It's a horrible way to live"  Calogero rebuts.

"For me ..... it's the only way"  Sonny declares.

"Not for me .........  Not for me"  Calogero whispers.

This movie has a great sound track and worthy acting with a named star Robert DiNero.  I highly recommend this movie! 

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