Monday, September 21, 2015

What is Truth?

It was a full compliment in the Sunday evening Bible Study group as we start a new series "The Truth Project".  The famous question of Pilate to Jesus was "What is Truth?" and that question can be quite different based on the inflection of the words.

How coincidental since tonight is Cincinnati Legal #6 (renamed from Boston Legal) and J.P. and I have debated this question for the last 10 years (the first Blog documentation was The Real Story 12/18/2009).

A quick search on the word Truth in my blog found a litany of posts:
5/24/15   "Grace and Truth"
5/20/15  "Truth or Consequences"
6/10/14  "Truth Loyalty and Respect"
5/29/14   Truth in Spending
7/7/13   Seeking Truth
6/2/13  Who is Right
5/1/12  Lie or Truth
4/27/12 Faith provides answer to Truth
4/25/12  Actions tied to Truth
4/12/12  Human Condition - the quest for Truth
4/5/12   There is ABSOLUTE TRUTH
2/6/12   Listen to the Truth
3/14/11  Tougher to Remember a Lie than the Truth
9/7/10  Can you handle the Truth?
5/16/10  Coincidence or Truth
2/26/10 The Raw Truth of Reality
12/18/09  "The Real Story"

So add another to the list ......  What is Truth?  My answer........

A philosophical question that will be debated until you see the face of GOD.

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