Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Hurricane Tracking

Watching the path of Hurricane Dorian (now one of the worst Hurricane's in history- above Category 5), caused me to recall the only Hurricane that I have experienced first hand.  When living in Slidell Louisiana (near New Orleans), our family sat through the "eye" of Hurricane Betsy in 1965.   Only a Category 4 in winds, based on the Hurricane Severity Index it is still tied for #2 Most Severe Landfalling Atlantic Hurricanes.

My memories were playing football out in the back yard during the early stages (it hit New Orleans the evening of Sept. 9, 1965).  Mom and Dad called us inside and within the hour a large pine branch had fallen directly where we were playing.  D'Lane and I both remember the large pine trees (trunks with diameters of 3 feet) with the tips bent totally to the ground.  Luckily no tree snapped or hit our house.  Dad had taped the windows but probably wished he had boarded them instead. Mom said that not evacuating was one of her poorest decisions.  Luckily no disasters for our family.

What amazed me is the path and predicted path of Dorian on MSN interactive site:
Dorian August 31 - Sept 4, 2019  10am
And the Historical path of Hurricane Betsy 1965:
Hurricane Betsy  Aug 27 - Sept 12 1965

I wonder if they predicted the path of Betsy 1965 with any of the precision that they now have for Hurricane Dorian 2019.

As a 10 year old child this was just another exciting day to remember.  The innocence of not being aware of natures power and potential destruction at that age, coupled with no tragedy of experience, allows that memory to be a good one.  I'm sure there are others not so fortunate.

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