Wednesday, March 18, 2020


The stock market seems to be in free-fall and the word PANIC seems appropriate.  The fourth circuit breaker (7% down) in two weeks and the S&P graph appears to mirror the wall chart that I face in my office for the 2008 recession (1.6 years and a drop of 57%).  My personal capitulation day back then was Dec. 3, 2008 just before the market bottom of March 9, 2009.  I have great memory of this because of my personal financial logs that recorded my feelings and trades.

For the past four days, I have watched the market continuously aided by the recommendation to physically distance from others.  I suspect that has exacerbated the panic and created more nervous energy of people liquidating accounts.

The fluid nature, next to zero transaction costs, and real time ability to move large sums of money has contributed to the volatility and steep intraday movements.  Even the ability to watch global markets - CNBC Asia allows a person to remain glued on minute by minute futures market.

Temptation and regret slips in when the market vaults up as the "market timers" try to optimize the bottom.  I also get tempted to play in this game but have avoided making any trades or timing decisions.

How do you control PANIC -  I C NAP :)

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