Thursday, May 27, 2021

Measuring Belief

 Susan just got her blood test back indicating "Reactive" Antibodies - translated by the Nurse Practioner that she has a positive test showing proof of antibodies.  Yet at no time did Susan exhibit symptoms of COVID-19 and in fact was tested at least twice for COVID-19 that was negative. These facts would point to an example of an asymptomatic individual not counted in the almost 34 million USA COVID-19 positive cases.  

Statistically not sound but worthy of note is that in my family nucleus of now six people with constant contact -  two had symptomatic COVID, one asymptomatic,  and three unknowns.  Using normal media extrapolation that would say 50% of the population has been infected with three still unknown.  So it would be natural that COVID cases diminishing.  Do you get the point?

Numbers (single integer series) are a strange thing as time and growth occur.  Fractions and percentages are even more complicated when the numerator and denominator change daily.  

When the skeptics wanted to prove that COVID-19 was no worse than the flu, they used a multiple of 10 times the positive cases for the denominator using sample sizes like my example above.  When various countries (e.g. Sweden, India) declared "victory" on herd immunity, they used small samples and extrapolated that to the population as a whole.   Yet all these analysis were proved in error.  

So declaring victory about the efficacy of a vaccine less than 150 days into implementation in a population base of 34 million known previously infected COVID 19 individuals (likely understated by a multiple of 2-4 times) is a guess without measuring COVID positive cases in vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals.

So why does the CDC stop measuring this simple statistic?  Why does the CDC continue to promote a voluntary database of incidents?  Why does the CDC re-set the breakthrough cases on May 1 of only hospitalizations and deaths?  Why does the CDC only measure breakthrough cases of 14 days after the fully vaccinated?  Why does the CDC not measure COVID cases of previously infected individuals?  Why does the medical community insist on vaccination of individuals with antibodies and/or not test for antibodies prior to vaccination?

I have a new term for this - measure only what you believe.   Something the religious community is criticized for by the materialistic community.  


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