Saturday, August 21, 2021

Nevermind the Time

I thought 2020 was a year worth forgetting but eight months into 2021 this year has created the most emotional volatility.  On the upside - the birth of my first Grandson (Teddy Lee), Ellen's graduation and employment with Fidelity Investments and now the introduction of two new kittens - Yoda and Yoshi.  Sadly this year, Rambo and Rocky died (presumably of old age ailments and disease).  With Ellen's new kitten Cleo we have saved three kittens from their abandonment.  

Watching Teddy develop alongside kittens is an interesting contrast.  Yet the rapid speed shows the exponential power of growth (size, capabilities etc.).  Amid the COVID-19 deaths (now over 644K in USA) the perpetual machine of new life overpowers the sorrow of death.  This spiritual mystery (for some) just doesn't provide enough hope to overshadow the temptational cries of armegedon (e.g. Climate Crisis, Pandemic Fear, Economic Meltdown, Poverty and Starvation, Water Shortage, and yes.... even asteroid collision.  All worries related to time.

Drilled into my head constantly was my Mother's mantra of the power of positive thinking - the hopeful outlook of human improvement (time on this earth) and spiritual eternity (time outside this earth). 

At 4:45 am Friday driving Ellen to the airport, I listened to NPR's rebroadcast of BBC  World Service - Business Daily "Rethinking Time" .

Professor Adrian Bejan of Duke University states "Time is a human perception.  We feel the passing of time so there is a clock time that brings everyone together on this planet and then there is a mind time which is personal."  Mind time is like clicks of the eye - or frames in a movie reflecting change.  "Time is the name for the perception of change."   The time (clock time) from morning to night is fixed, yet the number of clicks (infant or adult) of mind time is variable by individual.  As we get older the number of clicks decreases (computer clicks too 😁).  

There are 72 waking non working hours  (clock time) available (assuming 40 hour work week and 8 hours of sleep) equally to each of us.  How are each of us mindful about these clock time hours?   How are each of us mindful about the click time available within that clock time?  

Mind what you look at and how you look at it. Nevermind the time - change your perceptions. 

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