Monday, November 25, 2019

Screwtape Letters Revisited

Last night Susan and I attended the performance of Screwtape Letters by the Fellowship for Performing Arts.  Theatre from a Christian worldview that engages a diverse audience was worthy of consideration for gifting.  It was about 6 years ago that we attended the Great Divorce by the same group and we both hope to see C.S. Lewis on stage: The Most Reluctant Convert when it comes to Cincinnati.

Most enjoyable was hearing from Max McClean the actor and founder of the Fellowship for Performing Arts.  His question and answer postlude was enlightening.  When asked about the humor in the performance his quote (which I will butcher) was that "the laughter of people allows the truth to enter their open mouths".

The number of performances that FPA does at college campuses creates ministry of Christian nudges for a broad audience of students and particularly for those aspiring to enter the field of theatre.  What a wonderful way to seed the very souls of individuals that may never have been exposed to the great religious philosophers.

I think the plays are more meaningful for those who have read the C.S. Lewis books. It was surprising the number of people who raised their hands when asked who had not read Screwtape Letters.

C.S. Lewis said "I can't imagine a man really enjoying a book and reading it only once".  Watching Screwtape Letters will cause me to read it for the third time.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Double Tithe-ation

Crossroads Church is almost done with a Sermon series based on the book "The Blessed Life" by Robert Morris.  It is an excellent spiritual book that addresses the Biblical "rules" for giving.  Giving the FIRST 10% of your treasure - the tithe - is explained in detail.  Too often the devil is in the details. People ask - "Is the tithe on Gross Earnings or Net Earnings" or "Should my tithe be on AGI or Taxable Income"?

Susan has a friend that even created a more complex variable - what to do with 401K pretax earnings saved- since at retirement these distributions will be income (and taxed that way also).  If one tithes on Gross Income before 401K savings deductions and then tithes on the distributions during retirement is this....... Double Tithing?   Double Tithe-ation :)

I'm sure the answer is: "Tithing is in the eye of the Beholder" and "We Become what we Hold".

Just remember who the Ultimate Beholder is.