Friday, May 25, 2018

Bucket List

It was Boston Legal #13 hosted by J.P. on Thursday evening and the theme was "What's on your Bucket List".  My suggestion to watch the movie was outvoted but at least I forced a viewing of my favorite scene (See Blog Joy in Life 3/1/2012).  YouTube prevents it from being copied and viewed so I guess you just have to get the DVD - it is the scene called Two Questions about 58 minutes into the movie.

There was much discussion about categories, outputs, and outcomes.  Outcomes were associated with joy, health and life fulfillment.   Outputs were the activities that might measure the outcome from an external viewpoint.  I actually did some internet research (naturally) to get some ideas.  Stumbled upon a person who creatively used the entire Bucket List format to publish a book and website:  1000 ideas for you Bucket List.

So -  I did a deep dive and came up with 20 items -  here is just a sampling:

(1) Fly in a Glider
(3) Crawl Inside a Pyramid
(7) Mission Trip
(12) Curling
(14) See a Whale
(19) Visit Stonehenge

The reality is that I have been blessed to experience most of what I have wanted in the last 63 years and it was actually a tough exercise to come up with "important" and meaningful outputs.  I too am focused more on the outcomes and let the activities be more defined by the outcomes.

Just proves again that it is the experience of the journey that counts not the destinations or the time.

PS - We were stuck watching Blade Runner 2049 that had a Rotten Tomatoes rating of 87.  At 2hrs and 44 minutes it was tough remembering the original Blade Runner and its plot and following the sequel.  Thank goodness for Wikipedia summaries.