Saturday, December 26, 2020

New Time and Space - Xmas 2020


Wisner Family (et al) December 2020

As the 202nd decade descends, we welcome its close.  After three consecutive years visiting ICU rooms, we look forward to the end of COVID-19 and the hope of NEW TIME and SPACE for the next decade – 01-01-2021.   


Ellen (NEW JOB) – Now holds the Cum Laude College GPA family record along with the shortest Graduation ceremony in history.  She can now Escape from college homework into calling Fidelity Investments her center of Serious(7) Studies.  Ellen fought like a Tiger for savings for a Jeep – I guess she will settle for the moon.


Jenna and Paul Robinson (NEW LIFE) – Making room for new life is not easy. Olfactory odors overwhelmed ownership.  But a new sunroom, bathroom, and emerging nursery, created the necessary diversion and it seems the future is in full swing.   SO FAr the Councilrock offsite storage solution is working. 


Susan – (NEW SKILLS) – Nothing to conceal in her dislike about the election results, Susan refused this year to carry any virus and scooted COVID-19 free this year.  Adding Drug Free clients to her business allowed a new view from her desk.  With the deep pockets of Sports Club investments and grocery errand expeditions, Alexa announced the “Best Mom in the World” – as one who provides daily nutritional meals on wheels. 


Garen – (NEW HEALTH) – His new COVID-10lb diet let Garen ZOOM down to his college weight.  Now that he is more than halfway to 70, he finally grew the TV size beyond his height and age.  Competing with Amazon, his Christian Man delivery route was supplemented with his own prime series.  Hiding in his own basement, the outdoor patio heater extends his Man Cave activities. 


It was a grave day when Cincinnati lost its Painters, but friendship is an absolute truth despite a Boston Illegal gathering.  Even with cancellations of the Rockies and Hilton Head, the family squeezed in travel to KS, NV, NY, and FL.  But ten months of shelter in place gave us full understanding of like inside invisible fences and COVID restricted Nursing Homes. 


Susan and I are blessed to have a parent each to honor and protect – DNA history of good physical and spiritual well-being.  Falls are hard but calls are heard.  The COVID-19 veil clouds our physical connections with family and friends.  Even so, the bonds of relationships are eternal regardless of time and space. 


  Merry Christmas and

       Happy New Year

“Time and Space are not conditions in which we live,

but modes by which we think.”      Albert Einstein