Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Kinfolks Always Welcome

Jenna and I had an hour long discussion with my oldest Cousin, K.W., who has had Type 1 Diabetes for over 30 .  K.W. like his dad (my only Uncle) is funny, direct, and open.  Just what we both needed.  He provided the good, the bad, and the ugly stories of his own journey spiced with tips and encouragement about the worst is in the rear view mirror.

A conversation like this shows the power of sharing your vulnerabilities with others - a gift of therapy, compassion, and service.  We are made to help each other and it is when we isolate ourselves under the guise of independence that our souls decay.  A gift that is the mystery of love - transactional because it requires someone in need (a gift requiring courage to ask for help) and someone to help (the gift of providing service to someone requesting help).

In some cases it becomes a trinity - with an intermediary connecting the two.  In philanthropy it is called the Artful Asker (see 3/3/2010 "Artful Asker") - grateful recipient, joyful giver, and Artful Asker.

At the end of the conversation, I told K.W. that for the near future, I would be traveling to Florida on likely a regular basis and would likely show up at his door at anytime requesting and delivering a hug.   His response - Kinfolks always welcome!

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