The problem multiplies exponentially when additional dogs
are added to the picture. So how does a Cat person deal with situations with a
multiple Dogs?
Multiple Dog people could potentially surround the Cat which would provide no path of escape. Add to that stress, the rapid movement, loud nature, and over excitement of Dog to Dog interaction and you have a formula for Cat "stressure" (that is my word for Cat hair raising pressure). One of the key's to "Cat-control" is to show NO cat "stressure".
So let's set up a scenario with three couples out to dinner
together (this is the toughest of all Cat "stressure" environments
because of the amount of time and fixed seating arrangements). You are the Cat person with four other Dogs
and one other Cat (but the other Cat might be a Lion). What should you do?
First (and foremost)
recognize that the Cat's are outnumbered (but at least you have some alliance
with the Lion). Second, visualize the
Dogs as "dumb (and cute) puppies instead of attack Dogs (or even think of them as other Cats). Third, establish your location (and timing
expectations) and always have a contingency exit strategy.
These three fundamentals will help (but not solve) the
initial dinner "preliminary pleasantries". But there are other
techniques to lower the "stressure":
(1) Avoid too many conversations that involve all the Dogs
simultaneously. Remember they get excited
easily, and will raise the conversational levels several decibels.(2) Sit next to a favorite Dog (the calmest Dog) or the Lion (for protection)
(3) Practice an exit strategy (leave the table for some brief period)
(4) If you have the ability to choose a location - choose your most comfortable setting and preferably a quiet one
(5) Maintain a quiet and consistent "purr" (more about this later)
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