Sunday, August 8, 2010

Master Tennis Memories

The Women's qualifiers started this weekend and I think this year is the beginning of the wind down (or unwind out) of the tradition of tennis (ironic after my"Traditions Evolve" blog the other day). I have seen every Tennis final since 1981 (that is my best estimate). I volunteered at the ATP from 1981 - 1991; then we got the box seats (the year Jenna was born and we were determined to still go with her in the carrier). So we have been Box Seat holders for 19 years.

I think 29 years almost counts as a tradition and with Jenna's interest, it looks like it will move to another generation (another factor in the definition of tradition). The memories are wonderful - late nights with my brother D'Lane, the rain out and move to Harpers Point; the lighting storm that Susan and I survived; Ellen's fibrile siezure; Jenna at one month old in the box; Jenna and Sarah ballgirls; the tennis groupie; D'Lane and Vana volunteering; Mom and Dad enjoying the Championship Club; Clarks and Painters at the Finals; Paul and Jazz mid week; Julia and Sarah on a cold Saturday morning; Susan crying after returning from delivering Jenna to Miami; the list can go on and on.

Do I remember who won the finals on any given year (even last year)? - NOT. All my memories are about family, friends and the events that surround them. The Tennis event was just the excuse to create the memory.

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