Thursday, August 5, 2010

Read the Writing on the Wall

Driving back from downtown, I see the city workers diligently painting gray over the concrete underpasses marked with graffiti. The war on graffiti continues. The vandalism of writing on public property without consent for what purpose? --- Political statement; marking territory; statement of love; unleashing profanity; secret code; or "because it's there".

Jenna was only once an artist on her bedroom wall. Ellen had no incident. Both were creative in marking their skin at different times. Tattoos might we considered a mobile graffiti - although it remains completely legitimate since you are writing on private property - your skin.

The other day Jenna attended with her friend (and Ellen was along for the ride) in the ritual of getting a tattoo. As she was leaving someone said - "Hey Jenna what would your Dad do if you came back with a tattoo"

She didn't have to "Read the Writing on the Wall" for that answer

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