Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Hearing is Believing

S.S.#2 said that only 7% of what a lawyer says will influence a jury. I replied - people should believe only one half of what they see; and one third of what they read; and one quarter of what they hear - I heard that somewhere :)

I've blogged several times about speaking (number of words), listening (skills of a good listener), and understanding - now we have the next step - believing (or in a jury's terms judgment).

We hear what we want to regardless of what is said. Because the mind is constantly judging - the minute you walk in and I see you the mind starts the assumption and forecasting process. Getting someone to change their mind is one of the most challenging propositions. Billions of dollars are spent in business attempting to influence you in a direction.

What "weight" you put on what you hear is a function of the speaker (his credentials - or how often he is correct). Luckily we now have the 100% correct internet capability.

Hence - I-Phone it - I believe it!

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