Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Hope vs Optimism

Dr. J.E. loves to educate me on the "Doctor" perspective. He said: "Hope is a feeling, a spiritual sense that anything can happen. A sense of the world that there are powers greater than ourselves that can intervene. Optimism is a mature feeling within the spectrum of what we know - a probability of some relative (and hopefully high) value."

In a quick google search - you find very interesting theories with conflicting premises about learned, emotion or not, inside your control etc:

(1) Hope and optimism differ in that hope is situation specific (specific condition) and contingent upon one's own abilities (internal condition). Optimism is an overall explanatory style (global condition) that positive things will occur independent of one's ability (external condition).

(2) Hope is distinct from optimism by being an emotion, representing more important but less likely outcomes, and by affording less personal control. Motivation and Emotion, 2005, Volume 29, Number 4, Pages 324-35

Are you hopeful but not optimistic --- or optimistic but not hopeful?

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