Thursday, September 8, 2011


At the Vistage meeting today, A.S. mentioned in his "3 Year Plan" he wanted the three C's.  To stay Current, Curious and Carefrontational.

Staying Current (especially with technology) is not an easy task.  It requires plenty of reading, listening, networking, and interpersonal training.  An open mind, and energy to take on new tasks are two attributes that are needed.

Curiousity takes energy and time also.  The willingness to take risk outside your comfort zone.  I'm not suggesting that it is prying or meddlesome - rather I suggest that curiousity is being interested and willing to learn about an area that may not be in any of your present fields of interest.

Finally - Carefrontation is a word that I learned from A.S. when I first joined Vistage.  It was one of the principles we use in the interaction of our group.  The caring style of confronting an individual with feedback and observations.  Not advice - per se - but opinion based on the background and knowledge of what you know about the person. 

Today's message hit a C-chord with me.

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