Friday, August 7, 2015

Glimspe of Heaven - Heaven Board #10

Saturday evening (8/1/15) was a very emotional closing of a Father/Daughter journey for Ellen and I at JH. Ranch in Scotts Valley California.  My testimonial was that "At JH Ranch that week I saw a Glimpse of Heaven".

Looking into Ellen's eyes and having REAL solo time with her sitting on the mountainside in Northern California, we discovered the windows into each others hearts.  A week at JH Ranch doesn't just change you and your relationship with a daughter or son - it is transformative.

A mixture of spiritual soul training, parenting vision, outback relationship building, and praise and worship is what makes JH Ranch so effective.  The awesome setting in GOD's mountainous beauty is the canvass that allows those open to teaching to hear, see and experience his love.

Wow - no question this is a Heaven Board entry - #10
"I heard and I forgot. I saw and I remembered. I did and I understood."

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