Sunday, January 23, 2011

Networking Triumph

The home is becoming an I.T. Data Center. Three old computers arrived (compliments of the Laurel House) and it was impossible for me to let them sit idle. So I embarked on the task of adding them to the home wired (and wireless) network.

"Plug and play" works about 50% of the time. Then it is "hunt and peck" in the chasm of complex network protocol world. How to connect a Netgear wireless router to a Dlink 4 port wired router?

The problem for me is the inability to "give it up". Afterall there was no NEED for three old computers to access the internet. But like a puzzle it was the challenge to succeed that drove me to waste the time to figure it out.

Once again the power of the internet comes into play. Just a simple question in the google search box - "how do you connect to different routers" was the ticket. Presto - some giving tech head had a 2007 post describing the "simple" things to do. I say simple -- you try it -- configuring the DLink router to and disabling the DHCP.

But just like the feeling one gets putting the last piece of the jigsaw puzzle in place, seeing the connection to the internet was a Rocky Balboa dance.

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