Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Pointing to Purpose

Yesterday I had lunch with D.W. (SVP Cincinnati Partner) and we were discussing the "second half" of life.  Two excellent books I read by Bob Buford include "Halftime" and "Finishing Well" and both treat this subject well.  I mentioned to D.W. that lately I have been feeling peaceful.  But after reflecting on D.W.'s comment "Sometimes I get up and wonder what I have accomplished last week", I shared that one area wher worry creaps in  ---- My Life's Purpose.

The more I ponder and attempt to answer that forever unanswerable question, the farther away I feel that I am from the target.  I modified my peaceful statement above saying, "When I feel the least at peace is during the times I wonder and reflect about the history of my path toward purpose.  D.W. repsonded - "Maybe that is the Purpose!"

I decided to create a visual that is actually a derivative of a graph I saw about Holiness in Jerry Bridges book "The Pursuit of Holiness". His graph is much more spiritual (in context of Holiness) and I've taken great liberties in modifying it to make my point.   I started to title the graph - "The War Inside You" - but instead titled it "The Purpose Inside You".

What are you pointing toward?

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