Sunday, April 21, 2013

Endless Arguments

The term "we can agree to disagree" is a form of an endless argument.  In philosophy there are timeless issues that will always be debated in academic forums - the existence of God, free will, ethics.  On the trip back from Keeneland, S.M, K.M., Susan and I discussed the current morality issues in the press - abortion and gay marriage. 

How much should government legislate morality, was my question?  As a libertarian, I tend to err on the side of limited (if not absent) government and hence risk the hard edge of immorality.  Yet morals are endlessly argued about in philosophy. 

Our small group at Armstrong is continuing to meet at our house as we study and discuss Dinesh D'Souza's book "What's so great about Christianity".  D'Souza objectively examines the arguments and rhetoric in the current atheist-led debate about God and Christianity.  If you haven't viewed "The God Debate" at Notre Dame with atheist  Christopher Hitchen's, it is worth the 108 minutes to view.

Hitchen's sarcastically quipped at the statistician's view (Pascal's wager) for the belief in God calling it "the reasoning of a huckster". 

Actually, Hitchen's argument is not endless  (he died tragically at the early age of 62 of cancer in 2011) nor is it endless for all of us (death on earth is certain). 

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