Sunday, March 22, 2020

Death provides Life

Susan and I just finished a walk with the dogs and then a Bird Scooter cruise around the neighborhood. It is a chilly but sunny Sunday morning when most are still sleeping evidenced by the Sunday Cincinnati Enquirer and NY Times awaiting proper pickup at the each of the driveway entrances.  There will be plenty of people throughout the USA feeling a bit of cabin fever today.

R.M. emailed me a set of beautiful pictures from his walk titled "Serenity and Beauty". The two portraits that struck my eye with beautiful contrast were the black and white and full color photographs of large-leafed waterleaves sending out their basal leaves. 

Courtesy of Robert Miller - 3/19/2020 
"Our Pileated Woodpeckers continue to peck away at a large tree snag.  Death provides life. The trunks of fallen and decaying trees supply nutrients to a variety of mosses and lichens.  Cooperation reigns."  R.M portrays.

Appropriate to the crisis we are experiencing, we have the choice of viewing the events in either black and white or the full vibrancy of color that beauty reveals.  Death provides life - Cooperation reigns.

There will be more death than we desire from this virus and how well we cooperate will be a large determinant of the amount of death that will result.  This death will provide life in many mysterious ways.  New light (life) and color will emerge. Both pictures have beauty!

"Mankind can make progress in the pursuit of Truth. Mankind can also make progress in the sphere of Goodness, advancing from less to more perfect political, social, and economic institutions or arrangements.  But there is no possibility of progress in the sphere of Beauty."  - Mortimer J. Alder "Six Great Ideas".

Only the creator of Beauty can reveal the mystery in "Death provides Life".

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