Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Technology Comfort Food

Sequestered at home, I found a diversion that will help the social separation and tickled my technology and investment passions - Zoom Video Conferencing.  All this brings back the memories when Mom and Dad would spend time with me in the late 90's testing and experimenting with voice over internet communication - first audio and later video.

The ZM stock has Zoomed beginning in January from $68 to $165 recently due to the press and sudden need for distant communication and education.  While there are other alternatives, Zoom has benefited from its own viral explosion that started just nine days ago ($103 per share).

My first introduction to Zoom was Friday Morning Bible Study with 22 guys conferencing in the study of Deuteronomy.  Given a wide range of technology capable men, this was a great testimonial of the simplicity of the tool.

Last night, I put together an extemporaneous meeting with A.M., Ellen, Paul and myself so that I could determine whether to use it for my meetings coming up next week.  There were no real technology glitches,  and the effort to coordinate as the host was simple and intuitive. 

Tonight, I began playing with the virtual background feature.  It took Paul and a some amount of time positioning the light to get a decent picture.  I can see the challenge of lighting for portraits for photography and special effects. 
Tomorrow I'll show off at our normal monthly Vistage meeting which will now be virtual via Zoom.  However the lighting will be significantly different with sunlight streaming through the window - yet another test.

I can see why the stock is vaulting up -  I was so impressed, I immediately signed up for a year subscription $160 including tax.  And believing I needed a green screen to enhance the virtual background, I popped on to Amazon to buy that too.

Technology Gadget toys are my weakness.   But like some who are using food and other "comfort" coping mechanisms - I am not immune either.   


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