Sunday, February 7, 2010

Giver or Taker

Last night I watched the movie Flawless at McCord's house.  An interesting movie with the line "Are you a giver or taker".  The night before Rich and I talked about what we would do winning the Mega Million Lottery (I had purchased two tickets on the way to Wilmington). 

Rich said he would "start up a business that could lose the money".  It was an undefined business but that would be the starting point - get his buddies together to create this business that could lose money. 

My response was - what if you and your buddies created a business that instead of losing money - made even more money than you wanted.  Instead of getting rid of the lottery money .....  much to your dismay ...... you create even more money to do something with.  Problems ...  Problems ..... Problems.......-   how to get rid of money.

How coincidental that at the end of Flawless,  Demi Moore - now an old woman states that it took her 40 years to get rid of 100 Million Pounds --- giving it all away.

We all think -  just give me that problem......  I would love to work on that problem.

I wonder?????

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