Friday, August 24, 2012

Visual Touch

"You are the only person whose life touches all the people you know, work with and meet every day"

I wrote this down on a piece of paper and forgot to identify the source.  It brings to light the importance of each and every connection you make with anyone you see and interact with.  Like a ripple in the water, your impact looks small at the beginning but expands exponentially in size the moment the touch begins.

While this "responsibility" addresses "all the people you know", your impact of touch has a broader audience.

Take the example of a smile to a stranger.  It's impact is unknown to you but the small invisible visual touch received by the person unknown previously to you could change that person's immediate attitude, outlook, and next interaction. Even eye connections can touch people.

Your visual touch extends beyonds an actual connection with eyes.  When someone (or two) sees you from a distance, stop to pick up some litter and place it in the trash, you have touched them without knowing.  As Mom would say - "Remember to set a good example". 

On whose watch are you?

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