Wednesday, December 26, 2012

White Christmas - Unofficially

Today the snow arrived - a little late for an "official" White Christmas.  Officially, Ms. Binns told me (and verified by the Enquirer reporter Cliff Peale), it must be an inch on the ground to be called a White Christmas.  And I suppose it must arrive between the official hours of Christmas Day.  There here have only been six "official" White Christmas in Cincinnati in the last 30 years and only 16 since 1916.  So consider the official "white" title - rare in Cincinnati.

It was a cozy day inside during the sleet and snow. I took a slight break from my chair to try out the John Deere plow that A.M. and I successfully attached several weekend's ago.  All was fine except when right side tire chain decided to uncouple.  No real problem, since only about an inch had accumulated so far - the John Deere worked fine with a single chained tire.

This year is full of unofficial activities.  Instead of the official viewing of the movie "White Christmas" on the eve, we delayed watching it until last night.  With only a 480p resolution DVD, I suppose it's not considered "official" anyway until I invest in the BluRay DVD 1080 resolution.

And to top it off - this evening we will finally get out to see a big screen movie - Les Miserables - again a delay in the official tradition of a holiday flick. 

Hmmm - maybe the timing of Christmas activities were a little off -     off ...icially that is.  :)

PS - Officially it was a foggy Christmas Eve.

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