Friday, October 9, 2009

Taxing Procrastination

Well -  I just submitted my 2008 Taxes early (that is early to the extended deadline of Oct. 15)!   I guess it used to be August 15 (of which I was a regular in extending to that day also) and now we get another 2 months.  Thank goodness they didn't make it November or December to ruin the Holidays.   Given I am 6 days "early", I guess I am not considered the chronic procrastinator.
So are there any advantages of being a procrastinator?  For me, (the over analyzer) one advantage is that is forces the old 80/20 rule and prioritization of only the important items.  When you delay to the last moment, it requires you concentrate only on the most critical tasks as the deadline looms and the contingency time goes to zero.
According to It's About Time by Dr. Linda Sapadin there are six
types of procrastination that a person can be solely or a combination
of. The styles are The Perfectionist, The Crisis-Maker, The Dreamer,
The Defier, The Worrier and The Overdoer.  I will need to read the book but in the case of taxes maybe I am being The Defier - whatever that implies.
The second week in March is National Procrastination Week and Fight Procrastination Day is the first Wednesday in September. In fact you can find out more than you want about procrastination at

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